21 March 2011
10 March 2011
Fashion Stalker

Top News @123 O'clock:
Broke Ass Wanna Be Model is a Fashion Stalker
Recent developments of a disgruntal model now prove to be alarming...
An instance has occurred, one where a fake wanna be model had been relieved of her duties as a representative of world reknown Fashion Label and therefore could not take a hint, clue, message, shower, toothbursh, toilet paper, fork, dinner plate, whatever the flunkers and began harassing the designer.
So far no other developments have come to light, Fashion Assholes will keep you posted on the lastest findings.
As of now we can tell you that the model is said to have lied about her hair colour, weight, name, sex and apparently her IQ or lack there of...
The suspect was last seen selling vagina water samples to dirty old men in pee stained pajamas.
Meanwhile the victim/Fashion Designer has gone into hiding; there is no information on or hints of her whereabouts.
The powers that be sent out an all points bulletin this evening warning the special education model that he/she had better keep his/her distance or his/her head will be shaved and he/she will be forced to walk backwards for 25 days...
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