25 January 2011

An interview with a very deranged muther gooser

(Sammy hails all the way from timbucktouille to interview our beloved nursery-rhyme icon, Mother Goose).

Sammy: Now tell us a little about what happened tonight. You said you were coming home from the chicken beak store...

Mother Goose: Tonight, I posted a comment on my own facebook wall... (ten second silence)...
I posted that I was delirious from taking cough syrup, and a friend suggested I "put on a pair of rose coloured glasses, and look for the green fairy". I remarked that I saw her, and then I SPLATTED THAT BITCH!!!

Sammy: (Now, even the very notion to have the audacity to have such a ludicrous thought that her, mother goose, being the big filthy feathered freak that she is would even have a facebook account is beyond my moral standpoint... whoo I think I needa lay down...)

MG: So after a moment or two, facebook removed my comment, MY COMMENT!

Simmy Sammz: You know you mothergooseface I really don't know what to tell you. You're behaving quite coarse this evening and I'm frankly not in the mood for it.

Mother Goose Nugglets: To that I say, muthafuck that! With a side of lemon water bucket grass!

With her final wild proclamation to the skies, she threw her handful of chicken beaks onto the fresh soil beneath her and ::POOF:: she had vanished in a puff of smoke. Then I took a few puffs and called it an evening.

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